Wednesday, February 17, 2016

LA Trip VI: Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, & Central Coast

I shot quite a few photos on the last day of return, and I'm surprised so many of them turned out OK. 

Leaving LA at 6am Monday. Is that the golden hour, or just the smog?

Thousand Oaks, California. Being a Dallas Cowboys fan in the late 1970s means I have particular associations with this place, where two-a-days started in every July. We just filled up with relatively cheap gas here.

Santa Barbara. Quite a bit of street construction near here.

Surfers and the affluent. Robin says Oprah's got a house near here.

Decor of Dawn Patrol, where we had brunch. They were playing Bob Marley, and I was laughing at some of the dated lyrics. Africa Unite? We are the children?

They do this "build your own hash" thing here. It was pretty damned good. Best part was the fresh squeezed OJ. That green stuff on the eggs is, supposedly, "Herb Aioli." Definitely not aioli, and it didn't have any "herb" in it, mon.

The geology of the Central Coast is pretty fascinating.

Plus there's tons of agriculture. Imagine the famine that would ensue across America if no migrant workers were here to pick the crops?

Notice the omnipresent "chemtrails." That's the way the Secret Government keeps us all pacified. Allegedly. Thanks, Obama!

Pretty huge boulder they put in the middle of 101.

Finally we reached Paso Robles where we stopped to stretch our legs and drain the lizard in the waterless urinals. Met some nice folks. Small town vibe. Didn't see the Frass Canyon Tasting Room where one could ostensibly dump a spit bucket over one's head.

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