Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sacramento Delta I: Rivers, Bridges, Agriculture

The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is an extraordinary place I've barely encountered in my time in California, and I think today just scratches the surface. Locals tell me it is common to see ocean vessels cruising down one of these channels, and since it is in the very flat Central Valley, one could be looking at fields of crops as far as the eye can see with a huge ship bisecting it. Quite a few people boat and fish in these waters, which are produced by snow melt in the Sierras.

The rivers are criss-crossed with modern drawbridges.

In the foreground, pear orchards, which were all you used to see in the area we were in (along 160), now many are pulled out for vineyards and other crops. You might be able to discern black cows in the green fields to the left.

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