Robin had some work-related business to take care of down here in Moss Landing, so we made a fun day out of it, first stopping at Manresa Bread in Los Gatos, then the Succulents sale in nearby Castroville, and finally here we are on Elkhorn Road, waiting at the t-intersection at Highway 1 at the Moss Landing marina. Behind us is this view of the power station. We think there was a marathon as all these folks on road bicycles were wearing numbered red jerseys.
Intersection of Elkhorn & Highway 1. Massive marina, where seals can be heard. Near here are multiple produce stands. We stopped at one and got some perfect-looking artichokes, leeks, and other stuff.
Lunch at Phil's Fish Market & Eatery. Outstanding lunch consisting of seriously fresh seafood & vegetables. Here: Broiled Halibut with sauteed artichoke quarters, vegetables, rice and garlic bread. Everything cooked perfectly.
We were dining Al Fresco. Here's the view from the dining area.
Steamed clams in a Mediterranean sauce: lemon, seafood broth, parsley, tomato, red pepper, garlic, scallions. Clams were slightly sweet and soft. Got extra bread pieces to sop up the sauce. Ate all the fish, but couldn't finish all the sauce. One of those few places that specialize in both high quality fare and ample portions.
A wider view of the power plant.
The marina in Santa Cruz. Fish shop closed here, so we went to the one in Half Moon Bay instead.
Skipping hours ahead. We headed north on Highway One, stopping briefly in Santa Cruz, then Half Moon Bay, and here's these hills rising before us as we approached Pacifica.
Notice the retaining wall to the right. For those of you not familiar with Northern California, these are all over the place in spots where avalanches can occur.
Dramatic views of the Pacific all along Highway 1. This one's close to Pacifica.
Guess where we are now? There's one clue.
And here's another.
Portion of the Golden Gate Park panhandle. Lots of folks with big dogs live near here so they can walk/run them in this part of the park.
My favorite frugal Szechuan restaurant in the city, San Dong Best, 3rd & Geary. Lotus Root & Ginger.
Above and below: hand-pulled noodles with ground lamb and cucumber. Note the several whole pieces of chile.
There's nothing quite like hand-pulled noodles.
Hand-made dumplings, stuffed with lamb & squash blossom. Exquisite!