Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Big Sur

If you saw the previous post, about the Monterey Peninsula, you pretty much saw where Robin & I went Saturday morning. By about 2pm, it was time to head to Big Sur, where Robin was going to sell her work for a health clinic fundraiser.


You get the idea. It was raining on the way down. I shot all these from inside the car, and you can see the result: the digital camera focuses on droplets on windows. I like the effect though.


Lighthouse on that island. So foggy on the way back, we had a hard time seeing anything off the road. But we could certainly see that light.

Big Sur, proper.

Oh yeah, so we met these vendors from Ben Servito, based on Sacramento. They import goods like Truffles and products with Truffles & Porcini from Europe (mainly Italy). They market their goods to chefs and restaurant owners in the region. I highly recommend their products.

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