Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders In Vallejo

Plenty of schwag for sale outside the event. The Che one is pretty amusing. Black Flag funny, especially considering they played the Dead Kennedys' "Kill The Poor" as a prelude to festivities. Amazing how many local politicians were speaking and/or circulating in the crowd. Turnout could have been better, but pretty damn good for one day's notice.

Back of the line. We heard it stretched back quite a bit more earlier.

We're about at the halfway point here, looking back, near the dentist office that shouldn't be there.

Same point looking forward.

Had to ditch some of our stuff as we finally neared the TSA checkpoints.

A bunch of people didn't bother sitting in line, and just hung around outside in the massive overflow area.

Even though it was thronged near the front, there were wide open spaces in the middle.

Beautiful Robin wearing matching blue earrings, just out of shot, that go with her Bernie button.

It was the maiden voyage for my rainbow Bernie button. We sat in the grass before Bernie went on. It was lovely. Meditating in the gloaming dusk. Absorbing these unusual vibes about gently agreeing with a politician. I could get used to that.

Back edges of the crowd up front. 

Several times I found myself making eye contact with a stranger while nodding to what Bernie was saying. One woman in particular was holding my gaze to ascertain whether I was agreeing with what Bernie was saying in that moment about Social Justice.

A bunch of us left early. It was getting super cold with the wind off the bay and wearing a t-shirt. All my stuff (pocket knife, two water canteens) was sitting near the entrance where I left them.


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